Obscure References and Citations

Twice a week, David Brooks lards his columns with references to authors, journals, books, magazines, historical figures, academics and sundry personages with whom even well-read readers are unfamiliar. Let's keep a tally for each column. Agreed?

From Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011

Just a Sliver, Really

"Sometime early last week, a large slice of educated America decided that Amy Chua is a menace to society. Chua, as you probably know, is the Yale professor who has written a bracing critique of what she considers the weak, cuddling American parenting style."

From Friday, Dec. 17, 2010:

“Smart economists like Dani Rodrik and Jeff Faux have been hatching what they call smart industrial policy proposals. Others have talked about learning from the Chinese and Singaporeans. If Obama showed some support for this kind of stuff, he’d generate enormous excitement on the left.”

Of course, because everyone knows how excited liberals get at the mere mention of “smart economists like [sic] Dani Rodrik and Jeff Faux.” Showa hands: Who’s ever heard of either of them? Or of anyone named “Dani” who's not a stripper? Still, it's good to hear a free-market conservative talk up the wonders of controlled economies like communist China's. That'll go over well with Jim DeMint and John McCain.